Monday, February 17, 2020

Lone Wolf and Kraut

Picture this: A master-less samurai cabbage, disgraced by false accusations, is forced to wander the road to hell as an assassin for hire, all while pushing his infant cabbage in a baby cart. You my friend are picturing 'LONE WOLF and KRAUT'!
Or maybe you're not, how the hell would I know? I'm a kraut maker not a mind reader!

I had actually planned to remake two different krauts when all this started: Dr. Strangekraut and Butcher Baker Sauerkraut Maker. But when my wife called me from the store to question the number of cabbages I put on the shopping list as well as my sanity, I relented, and she only got enough cabbage heads to make 2 small batches of kraut or 1 large batch. So I decided to merge the other ingredients of the other two krauts and make something new!


  • Cabbage - 4 heads (5398 g)
  • Cucumber - 1 large seedless (252 g)
  • Dill, fresh - 1 bunch (88 g)
  • Korean Pepper Flakes (50 g)
  • Garlic (26 g)
  • Ginger (23 g)
  • Salt (2.25% salinity)
Normally I would show you a picture of all the above ingredients on the counter together, but the power went out while I was making it and I didn't get any pictures, so instead I'm just going to pepper the page with gifs from 'Lone Wolf and Cub' movies. You're welcome!
Image result for lone wolf and cub gif


Shred the cabbage and salt it in batches (like half a head at a time), until it's all shredded and mixed. Then chop, slice, and measure out your other ingredients and mix that in with the cabbage. Pack it all down, put cabbage leaves on the top, then a weight, cover and let it ferment for a few weeks, and watch Lone Wolf and Cub take out an entire freaking ski team!
Image result for lone wolf and cub gif


This is delicious! It's like a spicy Asian dill pickle....but also a sauerkraut! But enough about the kraut, lets get back to the movies!
“ Lone Wolf & Cub: Baby Cart in Peril - Buichi Saito